Hello, I am Mirza. Since 2000, I have been working at Borusan Cat Georgia. I started as a Logistics Manager, moved to Sales Department in 2005 and became a Sales Leader in 2017. During this time, I have closely witnessed the growth of Borusan Cat Georgia step by step and I am happy to be a part of the new steps taken as we move into the future.

This is a "family". I don't use the word "family" lightly, we really work like a family. When I first started, there were 12 people in the whole office, and now we are a large family of 60 people. Our number may seem small compared to other brands operating in this field or other locations of Borusan Cat. However, we continue to achieve success by carrying out great works with care and setting our targets higher and higher.   

My Day at Borusan Cat and the Future of Borusan Cat

Even though the shift starts at 9:00 a.m. here, for me the day starts at 8:00 a.m. because I am learning English. From 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. I take lessons. As I leave behind 23 years in my career, I am happy to continue to improve myself and to have this opportunity in my company. I think continuous development, which is one of the values of Borusan Cat, is very valuable. Because learning new things and progressing in a field also increases the excitement and enthusiasm for work. Without exaggeration, I can't work anywhere else but here!

After the course, interviews, e-mails, meetings and reports take over my day. We at Borusan Cat regardless of department or location, we always work to "produce solutions". I spend as much time as I can for face-to-face meetings, business lunches, and catch-up calls. In short, I spend a day and all these years of my life creating solutions together with the people I love, building good relationships at work and outside, creating new opportunities and trying to improve myself and my environment. That's why I always work very happily.

We are in a sector where technology and competition are increasing rapidly. Everything is changing very fast! Since 2000, I said that I have been under the roof of Borusan Cat, even that roof has been renewed. In the past, our service area and office were in separate locations. Now we continue our work together in a much more modern building. I also discovered and suggested the land for this building, which points to a value that makes Borusan Cat Borusan Cat: We listen to and respect each other.

At Borusan Cat Georgia, we see no difference between the leader or any of our colleagues. We don't have distinctions like special parking lots. We believe in equality and ensure that communication is effective. Together, we achieve the best for both our planet and our customers around our common goal "We Create Solutions for a Better World".

The Secret Behind Borusan Cat Georgia's Success

I think the key to success for a company is to understand its customers. And we are a company that listens first to its colleagues and then to its customers. It is not possible to achieve continuous success only by making sales. It is necessary to communicate well and be friends when necessary. I mentioned that we work as a family and this understanding is reflected in our customer relations.

For example, I don't bargain at all. This is not out of inflexibility, on the contrary, I offer the best price to our customer and he knows that I offer them the best price. Thanks to this mutual trust, our customers continue to work with us. Thanks to this perspective, we are also able to establish good relations with our competitors. 

Of course, the first steps to build good relationships are very valuable and sometimes the effects take longer than we expect. Although it has been a long time, I would like to share with you an example from the beginning of my sales career. The first week I started working in sales, I sold a large number of construction equipment and the buyer was the largest company in Georgia. I am proud to say that this brand is still working with us! In my opinion, even though the world changes, the essence of the business does not change. Professional relationships built with respect and based on mutual trust are always valuable.

At Borusan Cat, we attach great importance to training as well as customer communication. We try to position specialized and passionate people in positions where they will be the most successful. We host trainers from abroad, we know all the details of every service we offer to our customers like the back of our hands.

The models of our construction equipment are also very popular! As the dozens of models I keep in my office show, I also love them very much, so much so that one of our very valuable customers never stops asking for them at every opportunity. I think the models in our offices are one of the indicators of how much we love our work, and our customers who love our models are one of the examples of the strong bond between us. Like the pieces in my model collection, the number of happy customers is increasing day by day.

I Invite You to Georgia!

Of course, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to Georgia, a beautiful country that continues to develop and become even more beautiful. I especially recommend you to visit Batumi, a city that Borusan Cat Georgia helped to build. Do not hesitate to write to me or call me, as all my friends do, to enjoy the restaurants, the nature and the countless beauties that our country has to offer!

I have deep ties with Türkiye, which I had the opportunity to get to know even better with Borusan Cat. For example, all 5 of my children are interested in basketball and support Fenerbahçe. Thanks to them, I see myself as a basketball team coach. I am also interested in Turkish music. I especially like songs with clarinet. Among Turkish TV series, Magnificent Century is still one of my favorites.

As I end my article, I would like to emphasize that I don't want to change anything in my working life. I am really happy with everything. I am very happy to do the job I love with the people I love in the way I love. I believe and sincerely wish that the Borusan Cat family, of which I have been a part for 23 years, will exist for many more 23 years.

See you as soon as possible with those who are traveling to Georgia and those who want to travel there!

Mirza Martiashvili

For more than 20 years, I have been a part of Borusan Cat. After assuming various roles during this time, I have been continuing my career as the Sales Department leader of Borusan Cat Georgia since 2017. I love spending time with my wife and children as a family and I consider myself lucky in this respect because Borusan Cat Georgia is like my family!

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